On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 08:33:44AM -0400, Ted Roche wrote:
> On May 21, 2006, at 9:06 PM, Jeff Kinz wrote:
> > It seems clear that everyone, except the big pipe owners mentioned
> > above, want the internet to stay with the traditional endpoint only,
> > "You pay to get your bits onto the network and to receive bits from  
> > the
> > network" model which we have all been using up to now.  With no  
> > charges
> > by whatever part of the network our bits happen to traverse in their
> > traveling.
> I don't know all of the business arrangements, but is this an  
> accurate model of how the internet is set up? If I want to set up a  
> Contoocook ISP,  I buy/lease/rent an OC-48 and bandwidth from an  
> upstream provider who, in turn, buys their connections to various  
> backbones, perhaps via another layer or more of intermediaries. At  
> some level (I understand there is no "center of the Internet") all  
> peers agree to accept and transmit bits to each other on a peering  
> arrangement, but that's only because their downstream customers pay  
> them to do so. No one is doing this out of the goodness of their  
> hearts; all of us pay to keep those little green LEDs blinking.

Quite right, but "You" do not pay those transit charges, in the sense
that you do not negotiate a price for them and you are not billed for
"transit".  The price model you are presented with is :

Here is what it will cost you to "put bits on or get bits off" the

>From the price model presented to the "ends" of the internet, once the
bits are on the internet they make their own way to their respective
destinations.  Like Magic.

The rest all happens between various levels of traffic providers, right
up to the peering agreements between the upper tier members.

Examining what really happens to the bits once they enter the internet
can consume (and does consume) several lifetimes of study.  It is the
fodder for many Ph-d's and much discussion among those who have an
interest or a reason to care. 

Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA.
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