"Tom Buskey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 6/1/06, Richard A Sharpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I must say I agree with Ben, I did the same search through text books,
>> manuals when I was bored, just to see what was there, I think that is
>> missing in computer searches.
> You've never wandered on Google?  Read a post & followed some random links
> to similar topics?  Followed the "See Also" section of a manpage?  Wandered
> Wikipedia?

While I agree with Ben and Richard, and Tom, I think the flaw
presented here is the original statement that "discovery" is unique to
computers, and the assertion/implication that computer searches are
somehow deficient in the area of discovery.

Tom pointed out some great means of discovery, another I find quite
educational are Wikis, especially those I can surf on my cell-phone
browser.  I've spent many a train ride surfing the emacs-wiki, the
cliki (Common Lisp wiki), and countless others just "discovering"
things.  Not to mention places like CPAN, slashdot, etc.

Discovery is something innate to the person, not something any given
media has or doesn't have.  My wife has 3 or 4 books she's read
literally 100s of times.  When she doesn't have anything good to read,
she grabs one of these, and randomly opens to a page and begins
reading.  She claims she finds something new every time she does this,
from books which she's read cover-to-cover countless times.

The dictionary[1] definition of discovery, which states:

  1. The act or an instance of discovering.
  2. Something discovered.

Even implies that it is something done by a *person*, not something
which is dependant upon a thing.  Look at Columbus, the desire for
exploration and discovery were so strong in him that it led him to
risk the very lives of himself and 3 ships worth of people for a
non-existant trade-route!

[1]  http://www.thefreedictionary.com/discovery

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