On 6/5/06, Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Be warned that Java may be unbearably slow on that system.  (Given
that it's irritatingly slow on much newer systems.)

By what measurement do you determine that Java is slow ...

 My measurement is qualitative, not quantitative.  Everything that
uses Java that I've ever encountered on any machine takes a long time
to start and uses up gobs and gobs of memory, regardless of how
trivial the program.  Interactive programs all have a somewhat
unresponsive UI, and go non-responsive for seconds at a time at
seemingly random intervals.


... and compared to what?

 Compared to molasses crawling backwards uphill in January.  ;-)

 Okay, that one might not be all that scientific.  ;-)

Is it slower for developement, or just running it?

 Running software in the JVM/JRE.  It could be that compiling
Java-source to Java-bytecode is fast and low-memory; I wouldn't know.

-- Ben
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