Context is unnecessary if, for example, Java is unbearably slow
compared to nearly everything.  The only things I've seen that are
slower than (aggregate of all Java apps I've seen and used) are e.g.
field simulators or modal analysis simulation tools... and since
they're doing a lot of hardcore math it's not unexpected.

I *am* a bit confused, however, since if I search for "Java benchmark"
I get lots of pages saying something along the lines of "Java used to
be slow but now it isn't."  Contrairwise, I personally use a few Java
applets for which I also have non-Java equivalents, and several of our
competitors have products similar to ours (but with beefier
processors) and run Java front ends... and in every case the Java
production code is much, much slower than the non-Java code.  (The
other code is, variously, in PHP, mod_perl, and C.)

I hear the peanut gallery waiting to say "but you can't compare
different apps/implementations" - bollocks I can't.  Toyotas and Fords
are wildly different implementations of objects of type "car", yet it
is both useful and accepted to make blanket statements about them.
:-)  You are welcome to disagree, but unless you plan on rewriting all
the Java apps that turn out to be slower than I expect them to be
based on my experiences with similar non-Java apps, you are unlikely
to change my opinion.

Flame away...

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