On 6/6/06, Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
once I trimmed out a little of the extra crud... in particular
switching to a low-demand X window manager helped.

This is a good idea even on modern systems.  Gnome and KDE are huge
resource hogs ...

 Indeed.  Until last month, my main home PC was a 1200 MHz Athlon
with 256 MB of RAM.  Hardly a screamer by today's standards, but not
horrible.  I had been using GNOME or KDE for some time, on various
iterations of Red Hat Linux/Fedora Core.  I finally got fed up with
both, built FVWM from source, and switched back to FVWM.  I was amazed
at how much faster X started, and how more responsive it felt once

... which don't really add anything useful, IMO.

 If you're like me and don't want or need a GUI file manager or icons
on the desktop or all that other stuff, that stuff really is just a
waste of RAM.  I suppose there are those who want that kind of thing.
Me, I'll stick with my trusty screen full of xterm's.  :)

-- Ben
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