On Thu, Jun 29, 2006 at 10:52:17AM -0400, John Abreau wrote:
> Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> > I did take a quick look through the ebay HTML, and didn't see anything
> > that would indicate that this is the case. No references to the username
> > in ways that an external advertiser would be able to easily exploit.
> > 
> > But that doesn't mean there aren't any. Just that I couldn't find 'em.
> > ;)
> > 
> If eBay allowed something like php or asp, you wouldn't necessarily see
> evidence of it in the generated html.

That would be in the case of the information being delivered directly to
the advertisers. The question here is "Can advertisers, or those placing
images/other content on eBay.com, get access to your personal
information". I'm assuming that advertisers, or other persons able to
place content on eBay.com, do not have access to ebay's servers, and the
code they're running in the backend -- if they did, then eBay would
already be giving them the keys. 

Given that, I'm not sure what your statement was relating to. It seems
completely irrelevant to the discussion, which probably means I'm
misunderstanding part of the discussion.

Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer
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