From: "Kjel Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:35:00 -0400

   but unfortunately it records it as an *.mov file. I figured out how to use
   mencoder to change it to a variety of different formats. What I would like
   do is to be able to edit several of these clips together. I tried to get

IIRC, mencoder can be used to address individual frames in video
clips, and reassemble them into video streams.  You may, however,
spend eternity at the command line specifying the options to
accomplish this.

A quick search of the Portage tree reveals...

avidemux DESCRIPTION="Great Video editing/encoding tool"
cinelerra DESCRIPTION="Cinelerra - Professional Video Editor"
lives DESCRIPTION="Linux Video Editing System"
lve DESCRIPTION="Linux Video Editor"
piave DESCRIPTION="PIAVE - Piave Is A Video Editor"
vmaid DESCRIPTION="Video maid is the AVI file editor"

...among others, which seem more like mastering or video-toaster type

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