This has been a very interesting and informative thread, thanks for
the education!

I've been "on-the-fence" wrt Tivo for several years now.  I've always
loved the idea, but just never gotten around to getting one.  I
thought about setting up MythTV, but at the time it sounded like it
something you did because you had spare time to burn and a desire to
tweak and hack things.  The former I severely lack, and the latter I
do all day long already :)

>From the discussion thus far, though, it sounds that MythTV has come a
long way, and is probably something I ought to re-consider (esp. given
that a Lifetime Tivo subscription no longer exists, and I don't have
the $16+/month to waste on TV).

So, before I get all excited, and go grab the HOWTO (oops, too late :)
Can someone give me a basic run down on a) the preferred way to set
things up, and b) what a rough cost estimate will be?

Here's what I think I want to do:

I'd like a back-end server with lots of disk space and maybe 2 or 3
capture cards that I can stuff somewhere out of site, and a front-end
system I can use for viewing on my lone TV that is quiet and

So, for these 2 systems, can someone give me a rough list of the
essential-to-have hardware and the cost analysis?

My main goal here is ease of installation/configuration and minimizing
as much as possible hardware incompatibility frustration.  I.e., if
there's a certain MoBo I ought to use or specific hardware combination
that "just works", tell me.  Cost savings *is* an issue, but time is
more of an issue.  I don't want to fight with hardware, I want to
build an appliance that will do it's job with as little interaction
from me as possible :)

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