On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 17:23 -0500, Ben Scott wrote:
> On Jan 28, 2008 5:05 PM, Alex Hewitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If I take the TiddlyWiki approach, the data will be on their system in
> > the form of a web page which they will be modifying. Under those
> > circumstances they own the whole enchilada.
>   That doesn't matter; it will still be your fault.   (I wish I was kidding.)
> > Definitely not paying customers.
>   Ahhh.  That makes it soooo much easier.  :-)
> > End users usually don't back up anything.
>   Yup!  And in addition to the IT magician, they will also blame
> whatever person/company wrote the software.  "What?!?  I paid all this
> money for this software and now you're telling me my data is gone?!?"
> ~sigh~

It certainly is painful. People won't take any responsibility for their
own actions or in-actions. It may take 72 point blinking warnings but if
that's what it takes... We use open source software everyday and I
almost never hear of anyone getting sued unless it's something stupid
like the patent troll companies or one big company being egged on to go
after others under frivolous circumstances. 


> -- Ben
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