On Thu, 2008-02-21 at 10:32 -0500, amc wrote:
> I did noticed that some of the kernel crashed message had something
> about ndiswrapper which I am using at the time due to how badly
> Broadcom works on my laptop. 
>         ----- Original Message ----- 
>         From: amc 
>         To: gnhlug-discuss@mail.gnhlug.org 
>         Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 10:23 AM
>         Subject: kernel bug 
>         I have been getting a strange kernel bug on my laptop from
>         time to time. It doesn't really matter what kernel I use. I
>         upgraded to gentoo-sources- 2.6.23-r8 and the bug says unable
>         to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 80370665
>         and gave me a lot of call trace info and stack info. this
>         problem only happens when I boot my laptop. not while it is
>         running. anyone else have this problem ? and if so what should
>         I do about it. rebooting the computer usually fixes the
>         problem for the time being. 

For what it's worth...I have an Averatec 3200 series laptop that get's a
paging error on reboot. I only noticed this behavior in Windows XP Pro
and pieced together the scenario that made the problem reproduce. The
Averatec when it is put into sleep or hibernate has problems with the
Windows paging file when it wakes up. I think the paging operation is
invalidated most likely due to the time discrepancy between suspending
and then re-awakening. If your laptop only has this problem after
sleeping that might be your issue too. I think this is probably a
hardware issue rather than software (on the Averatec system). 


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