On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 09:40 -0400, Jarod Wilson wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 09:02 -0400, kenta wrote:
> > I just had to share this, one of the consulants here just sent an
> > e-mail in which he said:
> >  
> > "Postfix is open source. That's not a good thing for any product to
> > support across different Linux flavors. 
> > That's a dark road to follow. "
> >  
> > (This is in reference to not having official support for our milter on
> > Postfix vs. Sendmail)
> >  
> > I am *really* hoping he's joking, but for some reason I think not.
> > Must... restrain... FIST OF DEATH. 
> Wow, that guy's clueless on so many levels, you'd certainly hope he's
> joking... If not, he ain't consulting for *me* anymore...

The problem with people like the one cited is that they "know what they
know". They don't have a real understanding of FOSS and live in a
proprietary world.

I can sympathize with customers who just want to get a job done. They
really don't understand the ramifications of the choices they make. But
a professional or someone who calls themselves a professional should at
least have a working knowledge of different ways to solve a problem and
in as efficient cost effective manner as possible. When you look closely
at the choice between proprietary versus Open Source you find yourself
looking at expediency versus the long term best interests of your


P.S. I work every day in a Microsoft Windows world but never miss an
opportunity to promote Open Source solutions...


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