Chris wrote:
I have an XP system which I want to migrate from a 250GB IDE drive to a
500GB SATA drive, is there a live CD and package that would allow me to do
that, I have tried Norton Ghost (2003) but that can't see the SATA drive,
and I have also tried Powerquest partition magic image center with no luck
because that barfs on some directory entry.

WIll dd or some other program do the job or will I have to try to find some
other package?
We use Acronis, a worthy replacement for our beloved, lamented PartitionMagic.
Acronis does support SATA, IDE, USB, etc. A very nice tool.
Acronis TrueImage Workstation sounds like the specific product you want.

If you want to stick to Linux tools, I have used GPartEd with good results.
I use it from SystemRescue CD.

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