Ben Scott wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I've got to upgrade my home desktop distro (Fedora 8 being not
> updated anymore) so I thought I'd give Ubuntu 8.10 a try.  After
> trying the GNOME GUI overload thing for a few days, I once again
> decided I Don't Like That, and went back to fvwm.  I then proceed to
> disable the plague of daemons which had infected my system.
>   I observe an interesting behavior: If "hald" is not running, then I
> get no keyboard in X.
>   Even the zap sequence (CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE) doesn't work.  I could
> switch virtual consoles, though, so it was easy enough to restart the
> hald (and dbus-daemon, which it depends on).
>   So, my questions are:
> A1. What the frak has gone wrong with Linux where even the frelling
> *KEYBOARD* needs two daemons running?
> A2. Is is practical to want to run Ubuntu without all these dameons,
> or am I fighting the design assumptions of the system here?
> A3. If the answer to A2 is "It is practical", anyone want to tell me
> how, or point me at a writeup, etc.?
> A4. If the answer to A2 is "It is NOT practical", anyone have some
> advice on a distro that doesn't pervert everything good about Unix?
> -- Ben
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Just a general comment - it seems that any modern distro will have quite 
a few daemons running. For a while I've taken old systems and installed 
Linux on them to be donated to needy families. What I have found is that 
it's a bit of work to get Linux running on a system with less than 256 
MB of RAM. But systems that are 5+ years old often only have 128 MB and 
sometimes less. When you get to these hardware limited systems Damned 
Small Linux/Puppy Linux etc.. start to become attractive. Naturally if 
you install on a more current system they seem to fly.


P.S. I also ran across a statement in "Linux® Bible 2007 Edition" that 
the hald daemon was enabled by default in Fedora.

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