Ben Scott wrote:
>  On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Dan Jenkins<> wrote:
> >> Does the URL show properly in Thunderbird but then get messed up
> >> when Firefox gets it?
> > Yes. If I recollect, it looked right in Thunderbird, but opening it
> >  caused a failure in Firefox.
>  Curiouser and curiouser.  If I copy-and-paste the URL to a text
>  editor, confirm the ampersand, then C&P back to Firefox, it works
>  properly.  If I manually type an ampersand as a Wikipedia URL, I get
>  the appropriate redirect.  So Firefox does the right thing for me.
>  Maybe it's the interaction between FF and TB?
> > I've deleted the email, so I cannot do any further testing.
>  If you want to do more testing, the URL was:
>  If you don't want to do more testing, that's okay, too.  =-)

This URL worked fine for me. No idea why it came through broke the first 
time. If I recollect it was not the & encoding which was broke, but that 
there was a break in the URL. When I searched for the partial URL on 
Wikipedia, I found the right URL, which, when I posted it in my email, 
encoded the & as %26. This is purely from memory, during a very busy 
day, whilst concentrating on something else, so my memory may have no 
resemblance to reality. :-D

Dan Jenkins, Rastech Inc., 1-603-206-9951

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