On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Derek Atkins <warl...@mit.edu> wrote:

> Given a standard-configuration fully-updated Windows box and compare it
> to a standard-configuration fully-updated Linux box..  The windows
> machine has significantly more holes in it during standard use.
  That is false assumption which only makes one *feel* more secure.  I would
give you that generally windows machines have more holes that allow someone
to *crash* the machine, however most *nix exploits which are remote
vulnerabilities will end up easily giving you a shell.

  Additionally, as time goes on, I've found that older installations of a
given distributions will pretty close to 100% get compromised if left

  Linux is NOT more secure then Windows.  People RUNNING Linux are
*generally* more security conscious then a person running Windows.

-- Thomas
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