Pressure from advertisers.  Sourceforce could not survive by charging
users/projects for the hosting, they would just go elsewhere, so they're
reliant (heavily) on Microsoft and other proprietary software companies for

You run into the same problem with newspapers.  Journalists are actively
(and often strongly) encouraged to present advertisers in a positive light.
Indymedia and many community papers have never accepted advertising for this

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 6:19 PM, Joseph Smith <> wrote:

> On 06/15/2010 04:19 PM, Arc Riley wrote:
>> The company that owns Sourceforge (and slashdot, Ohloh, etc) derives
>> almost all their income from advertising, and look who their top
>> advertisers are.
>> Money corrupts.  Sourceforge has been corrupted for a long time, I'm
>> just hoping Ohloh doesn't go the same way soon.
>>    Besides website design, why is sourceforge no longer a friend?  No
>>    polemics required, however, an insightful list of why would be
>>    instructive
>>    to me.  If there is a URL to refer to, that's ok, as long as it is work
>>    safe...
>>  Still not sure what is wrong with that, people have to make a living
> somehow.... they could always stop advertising and just charge the people
> that have their projects on there a fee....
> --
> Thanks,
> Joseph Smith
> Set-Top-Linux
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