John Abreau <> writes:
> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 5:58 PM, David Rose <> wrote:
> > I ran the "fdisk -l sdb" and it told me that there was an NTFS file system
> > with the correct amount of space so it appears that it recognizes the drive.
> >
> > I tried (hd1,1) and it gives me an "Error 22: No such partition".
> Grub's (hd1,1) corresponds to /dev/sdb2. Is the NTFS filesystem on /dev/sdb2?
> If it's actually on /dev/sdb1, then the grub equivalent would be (hd1,0)

I don't think that's exactly true: if I recall correctly, GRUB (version 0.x)
just counts the drives starting from zero, regardless of which controller
or channel the drives are attached to. If Linux is calling it `sdb' because
it's attached to the second controller, but there's no `sda' actually attached
(or powered-on), then `sdb' in Linux may well be `hd0' in GRUB.

Also, partition-numbers start at 1 only in GRUB 0.x (now called "GRUB Legacy");
in `GRUB 2' (version 1.x, which used to be called "PUPA"), partition-numbers
start at *zero*. I didn't see it specified what version of GRUB is in use,
though I guess it's GRUB 0.x (Legacy) from the `grub.conf' syntax used.

And, David: are you just doing this by `brute force', rebooting every time
to see if a change is viable? Or have you tried tab-completion in GRUB's
command-shell? From the manual:

    To help you find out which number specifies a
    partition you want, the GRUB command-line (*note Command-line
    interface::) options have argument completion. This means that, for
    example, you only need to type

         root (

       followed by a <TAB>, and GRUB will display the list of drives,
    partitions, or file names. So it should be quite easy to determine the
    name of your target partition, even with minimal knowledge of the

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."

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