On Mon, 20 Jun 2011 22:38:43 -0400, Drew Van Zandt <drew.vanza...@gmail.com> 
> The hackerspace I volunteer for has a marked lack of through-hole resistors
> with values above 100k, and it occurred to me that one of you guys might
> have a crate of them floating around his basement in need of a home.  (I
> believe this probable because I have a bunch of things along this line, just
> no through-hole resistors anymore.)

I usually hate when my requests for donations are met with links to
stores....but I'm going to do the same to you anyway. The main reason
being that I'm not really promoting the item so much as the
source. The item:


I think I bought that back in the day. I know I certainly bought
something they seem to no longer have, which was a grab bag of assorted
resistors, capacitors, pots and other misc, which got me started quite

American Science & Surplus is a great resource for hackerspaces. They've
got motors, microscopes, measuring reels and...umm......monkeys? Plus
their catalog is hilarious (you really have to order the paper one and
read it through to get the full effect). Not everything there is a good
deal, but the stuff that really is surplus usually is.

Which is your hackerspace, btw?
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