On 01/19/2013 01:32 PM, Bruce Labitt wrote:
> I'm confused about UEFI.  So let me ask a couple of basic questions.
> 1.  If UEFI is the "boot up system" does this mean that if I buy a
> modern "Runs on Windows 8" high end mother board i7 + gpu and a blank
> hard drive (SSD) I can't install linux distros at all?  Or distros
> with kernel < 3.0? or ?
> 2.  Why would motherboard manufacturers do this?  Don't they sell
> world wide where there other OS's?  Please  don't launch into a
> flame-fest, I'm merely curious as to what the motivation would be for
> the mfgrs behavior.
> 3.  If 1 is true, what are the 'grass-roots' aka 'cheap' work a rounds ?
>      a. wait and use less modern stuff <-- not desirable
>      b. magic incantations / offerings   <-- possible
>      c. Subject for a GNHLUG meeting ?  Local expert?
> At some point I need to modernize my computing platforms to get into
> GPU computing, so I'd like to get a lot more capable machine.  I am
> still harboring the fantasy that it is still possible to "assemble
> one's own desktop computer" running linux.  Is it still possible?  Or
> are those days over?
AFAIK, the UEFI itself would not prevent a Linux book, but the Secure
Boot section may affect you, but you should be able to disable that. It
is really only on consumer class products with Windows 8 pre-installed
that you can run into issues. Please take a look at this URL for more
I would possibly check with the motherboard manufacturer for specifics,
but I would doubt that a stand-alone mother board would have the
Secure-boot enabledat all.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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