David Rysdam <da...@rysdam.org> writes:
> David Rysdam <da...@rysdam.org> writes:
> > Long story short, I'm trying to VNC from a Linux laptop (client) to an
> > OSX desktop (server). 
> Wait. Maybe I got that backward, given the non-obvious client/server
> terminology from X.

No, you got that right--the VNC viewer that you run on your X11/Linux
machine is both a VNC *client* and an X11 *client*; it opens connections
to both of the other (pre-existing) processes. I will... restrain myself...
from complaining... too much... about how the only place I get lost
in discussions like this is in figuring out what "X" means... ;)

I think I understand what you're asking, regardless:

> I want to sit at the Linux laptop and be seeing the OSX screen. 

And you want Mac sounds triggered by non-X11 Mac applications,
running on the remote Mac, to be captured and relayed over the network
and played on your local Linux laptop's speakers. Right?

If you were running `unix programs' on the Mac, I think I'd be
able to offer you a solution. `Screen-scraping the audio from Mac OS'
is out of my domain, but it looks like there's at least the beginnings
of a solution here:


(I found that via <https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mac+audio+output+relay+network>)

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