> But here's the odd part: this same exact setup works fine with some
> other public WiFi (I'd guess about 1 in 5), and works just fine with
> every access point that I've set up myself (usually OpenWRT on Linksys
> WRT-series routers).  Silly me... following standards and all.

I've actually had a similar problem. In my case, it was a B/G thing. I
can't remember the details, unfortunately, but the deal was basically
like yours: I can connect to some (in my case, most) WiFi points but not
others *including the one inside my house*.

That's if I put the router in "G, with B emulated" (or whatever tomato
calls it) mode. If I go in "true B" mode, I can connect fine.

On a road trip last year, I was UNable to connect to about 1 in 5 access
points. The error output was singularly unhelpful, so I made zero
progress in figuring anything out. I don't know if those hotels had the
same "emulated B" thing going on or if it was a standards thing or what.

This was Linux Mint (whatever the latest was in summer of 2012) on some
unknown but quite old laptop hardware.
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