On Jul 13, 2005, at 11:23 AM, Bill McGonigle wrote:

Thing is they only want "professional speakers" and demand a CV. I'd have to BS quite a bit to fit that bill.

And that would qualify you as a speaker <g>! If you're comfortable getting up in front of an audience, you have extensive experience with DLSLUG speaking. Hey, if they don't like it, offer to refund the honorarium!

Of course, it may be akin to the job postings asking for 10 years of java experience.

You've got to start somewhere.

If it were to come to that, it might give me an excuse to finally put together my 'socially responsible computing' spiel, game-theory and all. Don't we have any other rehearsed speakers other than Ted and Maddog?

I think we do, but perhaps not on the -org list. I don't have access to the mailing list members, but I suspect there are few. Bill Sconce spoke at David Trask's conference in Gould Academy last month. Others have spoken at GNHLUG-organized meetings and other places.

How about something about introducing LAMP into Windows shops? I'm coming out of a mostly-Windows background, and have spent a few years learning my way around Linux, LAMP, FOSS and so forth, and have moved my development shop from an all-Windows operation to 60/40 Windows/LAMP.

I'd position this as LAMP (runs on any platform) as SwANH isn't consciously a Microsoft user group.

No, but my focus would be on the challenges and opportunities in doing the migration for those who are 'Softie shops. I'd suspect that was a majority of attendees, and I'd expect most would like to have skills in the other OSes.

Since they're not asking for any open source presentations at the moment a full slate might be easier to sell than to fit 'Ted' into an unrelated track.

Keep chatting with your contact there and see what he/she might be willing to support. I'm pretty sure we can come up with enough speakers, if maddog is available.

Definitely, - can we agree to have something to send by Monday?

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