On 10/14/05, Bill McGonigle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 13, 2005, at 18:27, Ben Scott wrote:
>> [1] http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/save/Www/AutumnalSummit2005
> I get errors here.

  Whoops!  That's my fault!  I must have cut-and-pasted the URL just
after editing the page, and didn't notice that it was the "save"
script and not the "view" script.  Sorry for the confusion.

> I expected I could just go to the front page and "Jump" to
> AutumnalSummit2005, but that didn't work either.

  Let me guess: After you tried the bogus URL I originally pasted, you
erased everything except for "wiki.gnhlug.org" and then requested that
URL, right?  If so, that caused the problem.

  You see, right now, the original content on the GNHLUG website is
divided up into three TWiki "webs".    TWiki webs are kind of like
subdirectories, except they only go one level deep.  They create a
separate namespace.  You have to go to some extra trouble to move
between those namespaces.

  The three webs in question are called "Main", "Www", and
"Organizational".  (There used to be even more division.)  When you
request "http://wiki.gnhlug.org";, you enter the "Main" web.  The
summit page is in "Www".  When you request "http://www.gnhlug.org";,
you enter the "Www" web.

  > Once I found the page (BTW, where should I have looked in the
> taxonomy?) I can re-Jump to AutumnalSummit2005 and it works.

  If my guess is right That's because once you found the page, you had
switched to the "Organizational" web.  Kind of like changing your
current directory.

  I am currently campaigning to get consensus on moving all our
original content into the "Main" web.  See the recent thread on -org
list with subject starting "Website: Merge TWiki web ...".

-- Ben "Who should look before he pastes" Scott
gnhlug-org mailing list

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