On Oct 18, 2005, at 5:42 PM, Ben Scott wrote:

  As Bruce reminded me, I've got a server I'm willing to lend to the
cause of GNHLUG (even if that cause isn't that well defined :) ).  MV
Communications in Manchester has generously agreed to host it for us.

That is great. We'll need to ensure their (and your) generosity is recognized appropriately.

  Okay, so assuming everybody likes the idea, the next question is,
how do we begin setting this up?  I'd like this to be as much of a
"group effort" as possible.  Partly because I'm not familiar with some
of the software we need, partly because I'm only one person, but
mostly because it's just the Right Thing to do.  Aside from the
transparency aspect (I'm sure we're all aware of where I stand on
*that*), I think it could be a great learning experience for members
of the group, myself included.  I'd like to see learning available to

It sounds like a call for interest on the -announce list. 

I have no objection to posting the whole discussion to the main -discuss list, maybe with a subject flag like [Web] or something. However, others may object to the increased traffic. I find the constant splintering of mailing lists more annoying than increased traffic on a list. How many  -discuss, -announce, -org, -jobs lists do we need?

Also, establish a page on the wiki off of which you can branch the various discussions, plans, configurations.

  As far as calling for volunteers to help out, I'm contemplating just
posting an announcement to -discuss to see who might be interested. 
What are people's thoughts on that?

Post an announcement to... -announce. That repeats on -discuss also and may bring in a few subscribers only on -announce.

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