On 8/5/06, Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I spoke with David Berube last week.  He's run into some serious
health issues

I have not spoken with David in a while, so I don't know anything more
than what you said Ted.  I'm sorry to hear of his misfortune and will
call him personally, however I also want to express my sympathies
publicly for David, and wish him a quick road to recovery.  I think
that I can speak for many GNHLUGgers in both my well wishes for David
and also a big *Thanks* for all the work that he put into organizing
meetings and presenting topics.

which have forced him to cut back on both his
professional and volunteer activities. He's indicated that he will
not be able to carry on as CentraLUG coordinator nor as GNHLUG
Fearless Leader.

So, how does succession work around here?

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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