Our thoughts for David from the Mondadnock area, for his health.

And I second that nomination...


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ben Scott
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 11:57 PM
To: GNHLUG Organizational Issues
Subject: Fearless leader

  Apparently, David Berube has been forced to curtail his involvement in
GNHLUG due to health reasons.  This is unfortunately; David is an
enthusiastic and intelligent person who was really "into" driving GNHLUG
forward.  I offer my best wishes for his recovery, and hope he can someday
rejoin the NH Linux Weenies^W Community.

  While the circumstances are unfortunate, we must press on.  There should
be somebody in charge, or at least, in front, of this herd of cats.

  I hereby nominate Ted Roche to be our new Fearless Leader/General
Coordinator/GNHLUG Chairman/Cat Wrangler/etc.  Ted, will you accept the

  Ted has the interest, the enthusiasm, the intelligence, and
(apparently) the desire to move things forward.  He's been the one toiling
behind the scenes for the past year plus, posting meeting notes, shepherding
local LUGs when needed, and generally trying to make new things happen.

  I will also volunteer myself, either to be Ted's second (if he and the
group will have me), or if he declines the position and nobody else wants
it.  I've spent enough time making snide remarks from the sidelines.  I want
to try my hand at advancing the cause.

-- Ben
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