On 8/14/06, Ed Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
... I don't know why there is a discussion of GNHLUG, LLC ...

 The only time I've seen mention of "GNHLUG LLC" is in Bill Sconce's
post.  I suspect this is Bill's error.

I find this matter very tiresome and assume that someone will
simply go file the papers and the malcontents can complain in
the wilderness to their heart's content.

 This is what comes from people unfamiliar with the law presuming to
speak about it.  (I include myself in this admonishment.)

 I suspect, had we ("we" being the people there this Saturday) had
the sense to table the discussion until someone with a clue about law
(i.e., Ed) could answer, the whole discussion would have gone
something like this:

Random member: Don't we have to carry insurance to maintain liability
Person-with-clue: No, that's completely bogus.
Random member: But--
Everyone: Are you a lawyer?
Random member: Well, no--
Everyone: Well, person-with-clue is.  Sit down and shut up.

 Alas, there's very little lay people like to speculate more on than law.

 Speaking for myself: If you, Ed, say the objection is bogus, I'm
willing to take your word for it.  You're in a position to know.  I
don't think anyone else here really is.  I know I'm certainly not.

Its like who is the next fearless leader and nomination /voting.  Huh?
On what basis does anyone think there is a right to nominate or vote
or have any say.

 Courtesy alone.

 Tongue-in-cheek: Given that we don't have a defined organization, or
a defined position for the leadership role, it does seem at least
consistent, if not appropriate, to abide by an undefined process for
choosing the next undefined leader.

 More seriously: The only thing which currently creates anything
which can be labeled "GNHLUG" is consensus and general approval.  Any
nomination, selection, or election which occurs would therefore take
place under those terms (ill-defined as they are).  In point of fact,
it would be just as (in)valid for Ted to appoint himself
dictator-for-life.  That, however, would likely be seen as "bad" by
others.  Given our lack of formal rules, all we can do is attempt to
muddle through as best we can.  That is the only thing my "nomination"
was intended to accomplish.

-- Ben
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