> There were Caverly's in Hancock.  They had quite a spread.  They could have
> had their own street.  They moved.

When did they move?

The report was filed on February 7th, 2005, signed by a guy named Peter Wells
as "President" who is not the same Peter Wells that lives at that listed 

When you Google "Greater New Hampshire Linux Users Group" and "Peter Wells" you
come up with NADA.

Try doing the same thing with "Ben Scott" or "Lembree".  If the group was at all
active, and they were active in it, their names would pop up.

This is a hoax, and I think all the names on the "report" are bogus.

But we will see.  I am patient.

Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557       Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.
WWW: http://www.li.org

Board Member: Uniforum Association
Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)

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