On 1/6/07, Jon maddog Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
December 9th - a cross posting by Ted Roche suggested that Jarod Wilson will be
speaking at the January meeting of the Nashua Group.  This was posted to

December 15th - Ted posted that he was going to offer Jarod's book at the
January 18th meeting, and again that was cross-posted to gnhlug-discuss

December 22nd - Ted sent out minutes of the MerriLUG meeting that talked about
the announcement made there about the next meeting, January 18th, that would
include Jarod Wilson which was sent out to gnhlug-discuss.

 <SARCASM> So as long as one reads every single message on
gnhlug-discuss in real-time, there is no problem what-so-ever! </>

 There are people who attend GNHLUG meetings do not read
gnhlug-discuss.  Some of them think it is too noisy, some think it is
too nasty, some think it is too technical, some don't have the time,
some just have no interest in email discussion forums.  And then there
are those who are subscribed, but don't have time to read every
message, so they pick through subject lines looking for interesting
stuff, and/or can only catch up once or twice a month.
gnhlug-announce was created for all of the above, and more.

 And then let's move on to the people who *don't* attend GNHLUG
meetings, because they've never heard of GNHLUG.  An announcement
about an upcoming meeting is easily forwarded to other people.  They
show up on other lists, in newsgroups, and in blogs.  There was one
guy at a recent Nashua meeting who only came because someone forwarded
him the announcement.

And the calendar at the web site announces it.

 I've seen the web server logs.  I suspect the only visitors the
website sees are (1) the maintainers (2) search engine spiders and (3)
bots looking for open wiki's to spam.

But I guess you are right, I can not find the "official" announcement ...

 I don't care about "official"; I care about getting the word out, by
hook or by crook.

Let's save Ben!

 Again, Ben is just fine.  Ben is happy to just go to Martha's, drink
beer, and swap war stories.  Ben is just wondering why we keep meeting
under this "Let's get organized" banner, when the response Ben gets to
even this most basic of issues is, "Sure it was announced!  It was
announced in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused
lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'.  What
could be more obvious than that?"

 Ben is about to leave for Nashua, so Ben wishes everyone a good

 Ben also hates people who talk about themselves in the third-person.

-- me
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