> I might try buying a PVR-150 at CompUSA and cross my fingers...
> -Shawn

Shawn (et. al.),

There are several reasons why we are doing this in "stages":

o We are all technical, and can understand when things go wrong
o We have been following this, or working with this for a while, and we
  understand that things can go wrong.
o We understand that we are going to do the best we can, but sometimes
  things go wrong.
o Small groups allow more time to "iron out wrinkles" that happen in
  case things go wrong
o I spent 16 years at Digital and I know that "shit happens" (i.e.
  things go wrong).
o There once was a person named "Murphy".

So with all of that, if you (or anyone else in this pilot) wants to
bring along some card or some slightly strange configuration, sit in the
corner and try a concerted effort to make it work, we are all friends
here.  And, in fact, the more things we try in terms of configuration
size and power, the more we can guide them.

My findings, however, is that it is easier to take out memory from a
system that has too much, overload a system that has "too much CPU",
turn off a second CPU to see what one will do, than to have to go in the
opposite direction because you don't have enough.

Later on, as we try to fit "Mom&Pop" masses, we may find people who have
made an investment of any type hoping to get a working "Tivo on
Steroids" may not be as happy with us.  That is why we have to be "mean"
and tell them what to buy (within limits of "Openness").

> I'm a little trepidation offering because I don't have a working
> MythTV box yet...but maybe between Jarod and I, we can collectively
> cover  all each other's backs?
And part of "driving" is simply being there to hold the wheel.

Thank you for raising your hand.

Warmest regards,


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