On Sun, 2007-03-04 at 23:23 -0500, Ben Scott wrote:
> On 3/4/07, Jon 'maddog' Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That is because they have not been created yet.  Some people on the
> > mailing list like to be told what will happen, then be told what is
> > happening, then be told what has happened.
>   That's a good policy to follow in any event.  Humans have a pretty
> noisy channel to their CPU, and requires lots of redundancy for error
> correction purposes.
> > Why don't you wait for a bit until we determine what the requirements of
> > the database, and therefore of the form, are?
> 'cause HTML forms are wicked easy,

Not being a "web person", I did not have this perspective.

> and I found it was actually easier
> to code the form then describe in English what the data fields were.
> :)  To wit:
> http://www.gnhlug.org/forms/myth1.html
>   Suggestions and feedback desperately needed.  (And yes, I know
> there's no "Submit" button.  That's by design at this point.)  We
> should probably have some kind of intro text at the top.  Certainly
> the date, to distinguish from other events.

I have some suggestions:

Could "State" in the address be a selection box?  Probably "NH", "ME",
"VT" and "MA" would be fine.  I doubt that we will get people outside
that area.

Break up "Name" to "Last Name" and "First Name"

You may want to add "(Firewire)" to the description of IEEE-1394.

Is there such a thing as a cable box that does not have a capture card
or an IEEE-1394 connector?
>   In particular, what other cable providers should be listed?
good question, particularly in the four states that we list in our box.

And we will have to have lots of information supplied, but I am not sure
that we want it on this page.  Perhaps we should keep this page as
simple as possible, and limited only to the information that we need to
contact them and do a "sanity check" on what they are bringing.

I would suggest a page that is separate from the "MythTV  page" (the
same way we are keeping the "Installathon" messages to the general list
separate from the "MythTV" questions).

On the "Installathon page" we are very strict with the information:

        o Briefly this is what MythTV is, and what it can do
                - more information, go to MythTV pages
        o explain that "Installathon" is to do mass
          installations, and therefore has to be "formalized"
                o bring recommended hardware configuration
                o get some of these recommended cards
                o have it all installed physically
        o fill out this form
        o fill out Zap2IT page
        o get here (and good directions) at this time
        o do install, show them how to use it (some people may
         never have experienced Tivo)
        o take home working MythTV
        o hook up, enjoy

We could do some investigation to their town and cable company and
generate the proper SQL commands to update their database with the
proper information, that might be interesting.

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