> And risking the hassles of not being able to return a defectively- 
> labeled box? I suppose if someone wants to bring the box to the  
> cashier and insist on inspecting it before buying it, that might work.
> The card tends to be a fairly inexpensive component of the entire  
> appliance. I'd be more inclined to point them towards a better- 
> supported and fuller-featured card if the cost difference were small,  
> the risks minimized and the gains significant.
I think that a warning on the page about the issue, and that we know
that the card is properly marked with the model number should be enough.
If someone buys a real 150 card, has one already or buys one off Ebay we
should be able to install it.

It is (was) a popular card, and there are many out there.

If we run into a 1600, we explain to the person what is wrong, we could
even "tune" their system for a 150 card and then send them back to the
store where they got it.

Let's try it like this and see what noise we get.


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