The future.... What an interesting question. I actually see Linux going
in every direction, purly due to it's open source nature. If even one
person has a need that they voice, other poeple may have the same need,
and thus is born a development team ;-) 
        But seriously, some of the areas that I seen Linux needing work are
centralized administration, distributed networking, and large scale
deployment. If there is any hope of going into an enterprise-wide
desktop situation, and I'm not talking about 15-20 desktops here, there
needs to be a way to standardize, maitain version control, and push
updates to the desktop. When you need to update 300 systems, you
certainly don't want to walk around to each one. Granted, you could
script an scp job and let it go, but that is hardly a solution that I
would want to depend on.
        My thoughts on the future are primerily aimed at the sysadmin. In my
opinion, the end users don't need all that much consideration. In a 100%
Windoze environment, the end user does not does not maintain their own
system, control updates, install the OS, or handle configuration issues,
so why would I expect them to in a Linux environment?
Just my rant,

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