Derek Martin wrote:
> On 31 Jan 2000, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > Derek,
> >
> >  * Currently she uses AOL..  There is no AOL client for Linux.
> My prejudices get in the way here too... no one should use AOL:)
> However, this is not a shortcoming of linux, it is a shortcoming
> of AOL. Then again, the type of people who currently use Linux
> tend not to use AOL, so they have no reason to write a client --
> ouruboros?  Never can remember how to spell that... :)  Snake
> eating its own tail.
Well, This is certainly NOT a shortcomming of Linux. Afterall, there is
no AOL client for NT, either. I'm not posative about this, but I don't
think that the AOL client works on Win2K, either. Millenium is nothing
more than Win98 with a new name (absolutly no difference what so ever),
so I would assume it works on that. AOL didn't adopt the internet until
late 1995, so it should be around 2046 before they adopt another new
technology ;) 

> >  * She uses QuickBooks. There is no alternative for Linux
> You've definitely got me here.  There isn't a good replacement.
> There is an alternative, GNUCash, but it's not ready for prime
> time.  Getting there though.

Another alternative is MoneyDance. It's a pretty good little program,
and it's java-based, so it is quite portable. The Win32 and Linux
versions are identical, and both are *really* easy to use. 

> >  * I think she may have some other third-party software which
> > isn't available for Linux.
> Probably, but can it be replaced by something that is available
> for Linux?
I have found a Linux replacement/equivelant for almost everything I use
so far. I guess the hardest part is to determine WHICH application is
the one that I want to use once I find a list of suitable replacements.
The only thing I really can't do under Linux is use my scanner, but that
is a failure on the part of Canon (the kernel USB support recognizes the
USB tree, and it sees the device as a scanner made by cannon, but the
drivers aren't there yet).

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