On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Benjamin Scott wrote:

>   *climbs up onto soap-box*

> Installation:
>   As has been pointed out by many people, OSes are hard to install.  This is
>   I hear it said a lot that Linux has a higher learning curve then Windows.
> No, it doesn't.  If you get a pre-packaged system with all your apps

Right. It's just that most people have already been exposed to Windows for
a few years, and can at least navigate around a bit...

[SNIP SNIP, lots of SNIP]

>   Yet a C program written for AT&T Unix System 6 in the 1970s *will still
> compile and run today*!  Your migration costs are high with the *Windows*
> platform.  If you want to *avoid* migration costs, *switch to Linux*.
>   And furthermore --
>   *falls off soap-box as someone finally throws something at me*

YAY!  My sentiments exactly.  Ben, I finally agree with you 100% for the
first time ever... ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"    "Who watches the watchmen?" 
-Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347 

Derek D. Martin      |  Senior UNIX Systems/Network Administrator
Arris Interactive    |  A Nortel Company

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