Matt Tilley writes:

> Also, there is probably a better group to post to, but a quick search for
> "script" in newsgroups didn't turn up anything that led me to believe that the
> question would be better directed to another group (if I'm wrong - please just
> point me in the right direction, I'll post there and sorry for the bother).


> BTW, I would like to use ksh for this (will look into other ways (such as
> perl) after I close my knowledge gap in places like this).

Sorry, I hate doing things like this in sh/ksh so much that I revert
back to Perl.

Here you go:

perl -0777 -ne 'print "$1\n\n" while(m/(^HCA.*(?:\nI[XY]\d{5}.*)+)/mg)' 

I hope you find this to be useful,

Kevin D. Clark          |                           |  Will hack Perl for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | fine food, good beer, 
Cabletron Systems, Inc. | PGP Key Available         |      or fun.
Durham, N.H. (USA)      |                           |

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