On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, Chris Bourassa wrote:
> The first time I tried it, it gave me a RAM disk error on track 0 ...  

  Sounds like either bad media or bad hardware.  Are you booting from floppy?  
Floppy diskettes are notoriously unreliable.  Try creating a new boot floppy
from fresh media (there are instructions on how to do so on the CD).

> When it went to uncompress the linux.vmz ( i think that is what it was),
> instead of going to the autodetect, it said "rebooting to load kernel".

  Are you sure it wasn't "Now booting the kernel"?  That is the phrase that
the loader emits right before jumping into the kernel start code.  A reboot
right after that point usually indicates bad media or hardware, or severe
hardware incompatibility at the CPU level (very rare).

| Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. |

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