I didn't like pump when it was first released, so I have been removing 
pump and loading dhcpcd since pump was introduced.
Edit /sbin/ifup and /sbin/ifdown so that dhcpcd is invoked instead of
when the interfaces are brought up and shutdown. On my firewall I
changed the 
line that invoked pump to 

    echo -n "Determining IP information for $DEVICE..."
    if /sbin/dhcpcd -d -D -H -c /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall $DEVICE ; then 
        echo " done."
        echo " failed."
        exit 1

and In my ifdown I changed the line that kills pump to


if [ "$BOOTPROTO" = bootp -o "$BOOTPROTO" = dhcp ]; then
        dhcpcd -k ${DEVICE}


>Thomas Charron wrote:
> Quoting "Kenneth E. Lussier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > All,
> >       Can I just rpm -e pump-0.7.2-2 and install dhcpcd-x.x-x and have my
> system
> > work as normal? Right now, I have eth0 set up to use dhcp to obtain ip,
> > dns, etc. and I'm using pump. I've been having a lot of trouble with my
> > connection lately, and I think that pump may be the problem. I'm just not
> > sure if I need to do anything other than remove one and install the other.
> > TIA,
>   Not if you're using RedHat.  RedHat specifically calls pump as part of the
> ifup-interface and ifdown-interface scripts.  And the command lines aren't
> compatible.
>   The best idea I'd have is to create a script named pump, that calls dhcpcd
> instead.  MINOR differences, really, as pump would be called: pump -i
> <interface>, and dhcpcd as dhcpd <interface>.  Can;t remember the command line
> to bring pump down, but it's dhcpcd -k <interface> for dhcpcd..
> ---
> Thomas Charron
> << Wanted: One decent sig >>
> << Preferably litle used  >>
> << and stored in garage.  ?>>
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