On Wed, 10 May 2000, Bruce McCulley wrote:
>> There are virus scanners for Unix available ...
> Can anyone please supply a good pointer to sources for such products?

  You have to go through Network Associates's sales division to get their Unix
virus scanner products.  NAI is one of those companies that believes making
their products as hard to find as possible somehow helps sales.

  If you just want to check things out, a quick search turned this up:


  About half-way down the page, you will see an option:

        VirusScan for UNIX-Linux Version 4.7


> FWIW, my requirement is precisely for the situation Ben describes, I want
> to have my Linux box set up as a filtering firewall that filters content
> as well as connections ...

  I believe VirusScan is just a file scanner; it does not scan network
traffic, email messages, or anything like that.

  I've run across references to content-scanning firewalls for Linux, but I
don't have anything handy for you.  Sorry.

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