Paul Lussier wrote:
> In a message dated: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 09:45:07 EST
> Mark Komarinski said:
> >Jeffry,
> >
> >Any chance that AbiWord will support the DocBook DTD?  The LDP
> >and other groups that use DocBook are in real dire need of a WYSIWYM
> >XML/SGML editor.  The closest is LyX, and its DocBook support is very
> >limited in it.
> Is this something new?  I've never used LyX to write LDP docs, but I've read
> the HOWTO HOWTO, and in it they describe how to use LyX for writing HOWTOs.

If you read the LDP Author Guide (which I've turned the HOWTO-HOWTO into),
I've removed references to LyX.  The biggest reason is that it gives a
false sense of what DocBook can do.  There is very limited support for the
amount of tags that DocBook uses (over 300).  The other issue is that
it's very hard to go cleanly from DocBook to LyX format and back.  A
lot of authors who make suggestions will send you DocBook to insert
into your text.  With LyX, this becomes much harder.

There are still a few people who object to me removing it, since it does
make it easier for new users to write documentation without having to
know DocBook, but it's not good for long-term use.

BTW, I have a DocBook presentation I can give at a future meeting
if anyone is interested.


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