Changing the ./configure options is highly dependent on how they put the RPM
together. But the general principle is:

1. Install the source RPM:

        $ rpm -ivh

2. If they do the configure in the SPEC file, then you can change it there:

        $ vi /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/

   (OK: Use emacs or some other editor if you don't like vi).

   If it can be "easily done", then there should be an invocation of the
   configure script in the .spec file. Just change the command line in there.
   If there's no invocation of the configure script, then you dig into things.
   I would start with the Maximum RPM book.

3. Build it, creating new .RPM files:

        $ rpm -ba

4. Install the new RPM's on your system:

        $ rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/{i386,alpha,whatever}/{whatever}.rpm

5. Pray and test. Make appropriate modifications if prayers fail. Repeat.

Quoting Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> In a message dated: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 15:59:23 PST
> Ken Ambrose said:
> >Hiya -- I'm trying to build some stuff from source RPMs, and I don't
> know
> >how to do configure options, and I don't off-hand see it in the
> manpage,
> >either.
> Have you tried the book Maximum RPM?  It's freely available from RH's 
> site somewhere.

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