PDF does get you a few things, unfortunately most people do not
bother implemeting them:

Intra-document (and extra-document) links
Side bookmarks that usually have an outline of the document
Word search
Annotations (pop up notes)

The only thing I do not have working with PDF yet is annotations, not that
they're all that important.

PDF also performs compression, so the resulting PDF is smaller than
the PS.


Paul Lussier wrote:
> In a message dated: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 20:53:01 EDT
> Benjamin Scott said:
> >  As near as I could tell when I briefly looked into it, PDF is just some
> >weird, bastardized form of PostScript targeted at a specialized renderer
> >(i.e., Acrobat Reader).  This was in the Acrobat 2.0 days, though, so things
> >may well have changed since then.
> This is probably not useful information, nor very germaine to the
> topic, however...
> One of the main differences between ps and pdf is that ps is a
> Turing-complete language and pdf is not (which is why you can do
> stupid things like write webservers in ps (http://www.pugo.org:8080/)
> but not pdf :)
> PDF is also not "printable", i.e., it must be converted to something
> else before printing like ps, pcl, etc.

Mark Komarinski - Senior Systems Engineer - VA Linux Systems
(cell)  978-697-2228
"Have one day pleasant" - Babelfish

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