>   FYI: My laptop has Mandrake 8.0 installed.  Kernel 2.4.  I will have to
> try 2.2.  (I should have thought of that; everything else in 2.4 is broken,
> why not power management as well?)

I haven't kept up with the thread, but, if you're talking the 2.4.2 that
comes with RH 7.1, no, it doesn't have APM compiled in.

>   Hmmmm.  It has been noted in the past that Linux is better about keeping
> the CPU running cooler than MS-Windows.  Maybe it is just that MS-Windows
> wastes more CPU time, and thus runs hotter, thus keeping the fans on?

It does -- most certainly.  I've been in *DOS*, doing *NOTHING*, and the
fans come on on my Sony.  Beats the hell out of me what's going on.  Boot
to Linux, and, after the initial kernel load and boot, the fan's off
within 20 seconds.  Go figger.  (I've also observed similar behavior in
other notebooks, and all flavors of Windows.)


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