On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Robert W. Fowler III wrote:
> i appologize if this question has been asked many times in the past, i
> need to have a basic "Dumb terminal" run a telnet session at boot

  Easiest way would be to replace the getty line for the first virtual
console in /etc/inittab with a program (a shell script should work) that
runs your telnet command.  Note that said program would run with root
privileges by default, so you would want to wrap that in an "su" command or
similar, to run it as an unprivileged user.

> and the second part of the question is about changing terminal colors ?

  Umm... okay, what's the question?  Do you want to know how to set the
colors for the console, or if the console will support color changes from
the remote end, or what?  :-)

  BTW, your auto-signature is hosed.  I get a few lines of binary garbage at
the end of your message, after your nominal signature ends.

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