I've been using Linux (with varying success, ya), since Yggdrasil days.

Everything which has been written here seems valid to me.  (Yes,
including the post which is latest as I write this, which is
essentially YARTFM (believe it or not.))

Among the sapient (IMO) comments:

Michael Bovee wrote:
> 3) Linux is not MacOS and its not Windows, and by the way its not
> your mother.  I think its cool that Linux is wild and free and
> continually developing, and I have wanted to be a part of that ever
> since the development of some linux-only research software that I
> couldn't have published a paper without. I really hope Linux is the
> future. 


> Its just been too difficult to master by fiddling around.

Truly so.  And the man pages have no index;  I still wouldn't be able
to get a kernel to compile if not for Ben Scott's comments.


In the ham radio world there is, and has been since the very earliest
days, the concept of "Elmer".  Elmer is the older ham who takes the
newcomer (the term newbie had yet to be invented, and besides, hams
always prided themselves on avoiding condescension, whether in terminology
or in practice) and shows him the ropes - how to cut an antenna, how
to copy the code, how to solder,... and most importantly to a ham,
how to make that first, terrifying contact on the air.  

I don't know as much as most posters on this list.  But I've been an
Elmer.  I hereby offer to be an Elmer to some newbie:  call me.  An
evening breaking through the code of man pages (ugh) will do us both
good.  Can't be any tougher than Morse Code.

Perhaps I'm not the only one who would be willing to be an Elmer to
some newbie(*), either.

BTW, where is Center Barnstead?

603 654-2254

(*)  It's not as though a newbie was just some customer at
CompUSA, needing Revelation.  For example, the signature of
the original poster included:

"I'm a Linux Newbie, but I'm not a PC nor GUI newbie.
M$ has forgotten about the "user" in "graphical user
interface".  Fair enough: In return, I choose to forget M$."

She deserves better than "RTFM".  Doesn't she?

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