OK, does anyone else see this? Paul and Ben are saying exactly the 
same thing: It's a matter of bad programming, not a bad programming
language. Now, the truly amazing thing is that Paul and Ben 
actually agree on something. The slightly less astounding fact 
is that they are *STILL* arguing, despite the fact that they 

Anywho.... PHP, like Perl, like C, like any other language will
have security holes as long as people write sloppy code. It is 
a fact of nature. Yes, PHP has some problems. However, those 
problems aren't an issue until someone goes and does something
stupid like write bad code that leaves the hole vulnerable. The
same is true for Perl (see 
A great example is "Matt's Script Archive". Great programs. *BAAAAD* 
programming. There are all sorts of holes in most of the Perl scripts
found there. This is why there are 200 Perl-related vulnerability
checks in Nessus.  

There is no such thing as a "secure" language. The language of and
by itself does nothing. It is not secure or insecure. It is the
person writing the code. Thus buffer overflows, stack-smashing,
elevated rights, etc. 



> In a message dated: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 00:03:30 EST
> Benjamin Scott said:
> >  I note that Perl's CGI module has an identical feature (the ability
> to set
> >language variables from an HTML form).  Still does, AFAIK.  I'm not
> trying
> >to compare Perl to PHP here, just point out that tools that allow you
> to do
> >stupid things are not limited to PHP.
> Ahm, why is this a stupid thing?  How else do you get data into a CGI 
> from a web page?  Just because you're taking data in from the outside 
> and setting a variable to the value entered in a form isn't, in and 
> of itself, a stupid thing.  It's what you do, or rather, don't do 
> with that data after you have it that makes it dangerous.
> Once you take "tainted" data in, you must jump through hoops to 
> "de-taint" it.  Just blindly accepting the value from an HTML form 
> and using it "as is" is stupid, but that's a programming practice 
> that's stupid, not a language design issue.
> Please clarify if I'm misunderstanding what you're talking about.
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