Benjamin Scott wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, at 7:56pm, Kenneth E. Lussier wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to configure Apache-SSL so that browsers can cache
> > SSL encrypted documents?
>   I'm not sure I understand your question.  Are you serving objects, and the
> browser is not caching them, and you think that is Apache's doing?  Or are
> you using Apache as a caching proxy, and you want *it* to cache SSL objects?

I have Apache-SSL serving pseudo-dynamic content via a PHP (yes, that
horrid, insecure, evil language) script pulling data from MySQL. When
I pull up the pages in a browser via http, the pages are cached, and I
can do things such as export them to spreadsheets, etc. However, if I
pull the pages via https, the pages are cached, and therefore, I can't
export them. I'm hoping that it is an Apache thing, since that may be
readily fixable.

>   The latter is not possible; the SSL encrypted stream is passed through to
> the next system directly.
>   The former depends on two things: The headers the web server sends to the
> client, and what the client does on its own.  I suspect many browsers are
> configured internally to not cache encrypted objects.  I know MSIE has an
> option for this, for example.  Not sure about Mozilla.

It doesn't matter what settings I try in the client. None of them
cache https docs (ie, mozilla, NS, and Opera).
>   As far as the headers go, if your content is dynamically generated (as it
> often is for SSL), then it depends on what the generator (CGI script, for
> example) sends for headers.  If the generator does not set things explicitly,
> then Apache will tell the client not to cache anything, since it was
> dynamically generated.

Hmmmm.... This could be the problem. I may need to force the issue
with some good old fashioned HTML.

>   If you are serving a static (plain old disk file) object, ummm... I'm not
> sure.  Since the docs do not say or provide an option, either Apache's
> default behavior should be in place (allow caching), or the SSL module is
> explicitly using cache control headers to prohibit caching.  Either way, I
> suspect a journey to the source code will be required.

I hate going there ;-)
> > I thought that it was as easy as using the CachNegotiatedDocs setting, but
> > I was apparently wrong.
>   I assume you tried "CacheNegotatedDocs" as well?  ;-)

heh.. Yeah, that too ;-)

 Kenneth E. Lussier
 Geek by nature, Linux by choice
 PGP KeyID C0D2BA57 
 Public key

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