Has anyone given a talk on Spam control?  I've been fighting it for several 
months now and I'm finally making some headway.  Of course, I run my own mail 
server so I have a lot more control over what I can do.  I started with 
access databases within sendmail and kept spam domains and email address into 
it.  After two months I'm up to over 1000 entries.  I've just started using 
dnsbl and it's great.  I'm also looking to add/write a Milter, for sendmail, 
to allow me to filter on subjects and either mark or discard them.  As 
frustrating as it has been, it's been a great learning experience.

To give you an example of some numbers, my server is used by myself and maybe 
7 or 8 other people.  Last week, I caught 205 spam messages and trashed them. 
 Given that I'm filtering about 1000 messages a month.  Keep in mind this is 
just filtering based on entries I reap from my personal email, if I had the 
other  7 or 8 feed me address and domains I'm sure I would catch a 
significantly higher amount.


On Monday 11 March 2002 10:29, Paul Lussier wrote:
> In a message dated: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:04:45 EST
> Bayard Coolidge USG said:
> >This morning, I had 54 new mail messages, 8 of which were spam.
> >I was able to use a separate xterm window to cd into my 'inbox'
> >directory, do an 'rm' of the offending messages, and then tell exmh to
> >'rescan folder'.
> I guess you're not aware of the Search->Pick method, huh?
>       Go to "Search->All messages in current folder (Pick)"
>       Select "Choose Pick Attribute" (Subject, From, To, Cc,ToCC, etc.)
>       Enter in the regex you want to "pick" out of the FTOC.
>       Click on Pick
> You'll likely notice there's an "Or" button next to the attribute,
> and an "--Or--" buttun *under* the attribute.
> The one *next* to the attribute allows you to 'or' regexs *within*
> that attribute, while the "--Or--" button underneath allows you to
> 'or' attributes.  IOW, if you choose "Subject" as your attribute to
> search on, you can "pick" out Subject lines of 'This subject' "Or"
> 'that other subject'.
> The "--Or--" button allows you to "pick" messages which match
> 'This Subject' and "--Or--" it with another attribute.  So you can
> build up quite complex "or" statements like:
>       Pick all messages with a Subject line containing:
>               "Spam" or "Postmaster" or "Returned Mail"
>                               --Or--
>       with a From line matching:
>               "plussier" or "pll" or "Paul Lussier"
>                               --Or--
>       with a To line matching
>               "gnhlug@" or "gnhlug-org" or "twiki"
> Assuming you need to "And" something, just pull down the
> "Choose pick attribute" again:
>       Pick all messages which match:
>               Subject:        "GNHLUG Christmas party" or "Dec 12th"
>               From:           "pll" or "plussier"
>               To:             "gnhlug" or "gnhlug-org"
> When you're finished filling you your "pick" criteria, hit the "Pick"
> button.  This will select all the messages in that mailbox which match.
> you can then hit 'delete' if you want to delete them all, or, if you
> just match 700 messages and aren't sure you want to delete them all
> for fear of accidently deleting something that matched, but isn't
> really something you want to lose, hit the "New FTOC" button and exmh
> with rescan the mail box using the "Pick" criteria.
> (this is equivalent to using the command line:
>       scan `pick -from foo -or -from bar -and -subject foobar....`
> )
> Well, that's much of what you can do with the "Pick" option.
> Oh, by the way, did you know that you don't have to use the mouse to
> navigate folders?  If your exmh window has focus, then hit the '+'
> sign.  In the middle of the window you should see the words "Change
> Folder:" appear.  You can now begin entering the name of a folder.
> The space bar performs folder name completion.
> Well, that's my exmh tutorial for the day.
> Hope it was helpfule :)

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