Okay, I'm banging my head against the wall, so time to look for help.

I've got exim running on a debian (unstable) box and I want to set up
user authentication so I can send mail if I'm outside the local

I uncommented the lines in /etc/exim/exim.conf and restarted.
I created /etc/exim/passwd with variations of the following:

(ps, that's 'foobar' run through mkpasswd - and it's not my real passwd)

The client I'm using is evolution, set for user authentication with
a user name of mkomarinski.

It's not working.

All I'm getting out of exim in the reject log is:

2002-04-02 13:49:14 Authentication failed for jackie.wayga.org
[]: 535 Incorrect authentication data

The exim documentation is VERY sparse on how the /etc/exim/passwd
file is supposed to be set up, and I can't seem to find out how
to increase the logging to "tell me everything possible".

Any ideas?  And saying "use qmail/sendmail/postfix" is not quite the
answer (yet).


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