I've looked at a few of the different things that people suggested, and
so far, phpBB is certainly the best. It has all of the features that I
was looking for, plus a bunch of add-ons. 

As for the cross-site issues, I'm really not worried about it. For the
most part, this is an internal service, so it's only my users that I
have to worry about. But, that's a whole different story ;-)


On Mon, 2002-06-03 at 19:04, t wrote:
> phpbb (http://www.phpbb.org seems to be the site) sounds like it does everything you 
> i noticed someone mentioned ubb (ultimate bulletin board or something similar to 
>that). my friend used to run ubb off of a p166/64 megs of ram freebsd system, and 
>found the thing got totally wrecked when about 8 or more users were on it. it wasnt 
>really the bandwidth that posed the issue, the software was just horribly 
>ineffecient. anyway, he switched it to phpBB and his problems instantly went away.
> one downfall, is ive seen a few CSS (not cascading style sheets; cross site 
>scripting) problems with phpBB on bugtraq. there arent any known current problems, i 
>dont think, but i wouldnt say its the most secure code in the world..
> that being said, i also feel CSS is a bit overrated ;). somehow the possibility of 
>having your cookies from yourdomain.com sent to craxx0rsite.com just doesn't strike 
>the panic button within me..
> anyway, concerning ubb, id hope such issues were fixed by now (this was almost a 
>year ago), but id suggest giving ubb (if you choose it) a bit of a test load before 
>putting it into production..
> hope this helps!
> -tom
"Tact is just *not* saying true stuff" -- Cordelia Chase

Kenneth E. Lussier
Sr. Systems Administrator
Zuken, USA

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